Abdón Pedrajas Littler, top ranked by Leaders League 2025, as Excellent Firm in Spain in Labor & Employment Advisory and Litigation
Chambers Europe 2025
Abdón Pedrajas Littler top ranked by Chambers Europe 2025 as leading firm in Spain in Employment Law.
LEGAL 500 2025
Abdón Pedrajas Littler ranked by The Legal 500 EMEA 2025 as leading firm in Spain in Labor and Employment Law.
Chambers Europe 2024
Abdón Pedrajas Littler top ranked by Chambers Europe 2024 as leading firm in Spain in Employment Law.
Legal 500 2024
Abdón Pedrajas Littler ranked by The Legal 500 EMEA 2024 as leading firm in Spain in Labor and Employment Law.
Chambers Europe 2023
Abdón Pedrajas Littler top ranked by Chambers Europe 2023 as leading firm in Spain in Employment Law.
Legal 500 2023
Abdón Pedrajas Littler ranked by The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 as leading firm in Spain in Labor and Employment Law.
Chambers Europe 2022
The boutique law firm Abdón Pedrajas assists clients across its offices in Madrid and Barcelona with complex employment mandates, further aided by the firm's international reach. Its teams often advise on collective and individual dismissals, including those of top executives, as well as collective claims brought by trade unions. In addition, clients benefit from the firm's strength in employee transfers and classification cases. Furthermore, Abdón Pedrajas handles the suspension of employment contracts, furlough schemes and home working arrangements pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. The team is particularly praised for its ability to serve the local needs of companies that have numerous sites across Spain. With its expertise in the employment law aspects of corporate transactions the firm complements its excellent services.
Mejor Boutique Derecho Laboral España 2021
Abdón Pedrajas premiada como Mejor Boutique Derecho Laboral España, en la VI Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico a la Excelencia en la Práctica del Derecho de los Negocios. Este galardón reconoce el desempeño del Despacho debido su alta especialización en Derecho Laboral Corporativo, la evolución de su negocio y estrategia de internacionalización, así como su participación en asuntos legales de especial complejidad y relevancia. Abdón Pedrajas también se alzó con este importante premio en 2017, 2019 y 2020 en la II, IV y V Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico.
Abdón Pedrajas Littler elegida por The Legal 500 EMEA 2021 como firma líder en España en Derecho Laboral
Antonio Pedrajas Quiles e Ivan López García de la Riva destacan como Leading Individuals. Alfonso Pedrajas, Sonia Cortés e Inés Molero también destacan como abogados clave.
Abdón Pedrajas Littler top ranked by Chambers Europe 2021 as leading Employment Law firm in Spain
Dedicated boutique active in collective disputes, boardroom disputes and discrimination claims. Often advises on collective and individual dismissals. Defends litigation brought by unions over the implementation of new work time policies. Earns praise for its ability to serve the local needs of companies that have numerous sites across Spain. Has experience in the suspension of employment contracts for companies affected by the pandemic, and assists those implementing measures to try to keep production sites operating throughout lockdown. Assists with the drafting of executives' contracts. Also handles the employment law aspects of corporate transactions.
Abdón Pedrajas, top ranked by Leaders League 2021, as Leading Firm in Spain in Labour Litigation. Antonio Pedrajas, Iván López, Sonia Cortés, Alfonso Pedrajas and Inés Molero named as leading employment lawyers.
Mejor Boutique Derecho Laboral España 2020
Abdón Pedrajas premiada como Mejor Boutique Derecho Laboral España, en la V Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico a la Excelencia en la Práctica del Derecho de los Negocios. Este galardón reconoce el desempeño del Despacho debido su alta especialización en Derecho Laboral Corporativo, la evolución de su negocio y estrategia de internacionalización, así como su participación en asuntos legales de especial complejidad y relevancia. Abdón Pedrajas también se alzó con este importante premio en 2017 y en 2019, en la II y IV Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico.
Law Firm of the Year - Non Contentious Advisory en los "Iberian Lawyer Labour Awards 2020"
Abdón Pedrajas Abogados premiada como `Law Firm of the Year - Non Contentious Advisory´ en los `Iberian Lawyer Labour Awards 2020´.
Mejor Boutique Legal de España 2019
Abdón Pedrajas premiada como Mejor Boutique Legal de España, en la IV Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico a la Excelencia en la Práctica del Derecho de los Negocios. Este galardón reconoce el desempeño del Despacho debido su alta especialización en Derecho Laboral Corporativo, la evolución de su negocio y estrategia de internacionalización, así como su participación en asuntos legales de especial complejidad y relevancia. Abdón Pedrajas también se alzó con este importante premio en 2017, en la II Edición de los Premios Expansión Jurídico.
Chambers Europe 2019
Chambers &Partners reconoce a Abdón Pedrajas en la Band 2, por su práctica de Derecho Laboral. - “Dedicated boutique active in collectiveconflicts, boardroom disputes and discriminationclaims. Often advises on collective and individual dismissals and restructurings. Has a number of domestic and international clients from the manufacturing, telecommunications and banking industries. Assists with the employment aspects of transactions, representing a range of employers in negotiations with trade unions. Also handles issues in connection with outsourcing projects.Sources appreciate that the lawyers "get straight to the point and contribute clear conclusions to complex labour law problems." Clients report that "the legal advice is well founded on expertise in employment law and recent cases," and say that the lawyers are "extremely dedicated and well prepared, so you know you are in safe hands."
Legal 500 2018
‘Excellent’ employment boutique Abdón Pedrajas acts for several leading multinationals and is noted for ‘its success rate in litigation, availability and area knowledge’. The firm specialises in complex restructuring advice, high-profile employment disputes (including executive claims) and collective redundancy matters. The Firm has several highly-experienced partners, including managing partner Antonio Pedrajas, group head Iván López (who ‘provides excellent relationship management’), and Sonia Cortés (who gives ‘clear, practical advice and is quick to reply’).
Chambers Europe 2018
“Market sources value that the team “provides a personalised, almost à la carte service“, whilst clients also highlight that “all the lawyers have a deep knowledge of the area, a clear customer focus and a scrupulous way of working.”
The team “has significant experience in restructurings and collective dismissals. Very hard-working and dedicated lawyers, always extremely well prepared, with a good sense of negotiation and prudent guidance”.