University activity

University activity

In the lecture room and in the court room

If Abdón Pedrajas is a cut above the rest in training, then it is easy to understand the Firm's university vocation. It is our profound conviction that activities in the court room and in the lecture room are so closely related that whoever moves exclusively in just one of the areas will probably show notable deficits in the other. Hence the reason that the Abdón Pedrajas Training Department, headed by a University Professor, ensures that the ongoing training initiated at University is continued in the Firm.

Our university vocation

That is why the university vocation of Abdón Pedrajas is a constant reality, considering that:

  • A significant number of our professionals are qualified University Professors or Lecturers, who naturally combine the legal profession and teaching.
  • Top-level research and educational work is promoted by the Firm.
  • Our professionals are authors or co-authors of many monographs, manuals and articles in specialised magazines.
  • They supervise theses and dissertations, teach Masters or specialised Monographic Courses or activities of a similar nature.
  • Several of the Firm's professionals are in the process of completing their Doctorate degree, carrying out important research projects.
  • Many are the university students who, each year, successfully complete their Practicum in our offices.