Social commintment

Social commintment

Social commintment

The knowledge of the legal system is one of the bases on which a democratic society is founded. The social integration of less-favoured groups depends, to a large extent, on the latter being able to have access to basic education in their social rights and obligations.

Convinced of this maxim, Abdón Pedrajas does not consider itself as a freestanding organisation, whose sole purpose is that of maintaining its own interests. Our Firm enthusiastically develops a project based on a solidary, contemporary and up-to-date philosophy that favours social well-being.

And so, by means of its best tool - its lawyers - it is actively engaged in the promotion of social well-being. Our Firm takes part in defining and implementing free legal educational programmes, the lawyers who voluntarily collaborate in them altruistically dedicating their time to doing so.

By undertaking pro bono legal services, our lawyers inspire and fuel this, our Firm's, philosophy, providing legal education to groups such as immigrants, the unemployed, victims of gender-based violence or social isolation.

Likewise, with the same purpose in mind, we collaborate with administrations, associations, foundations or NGOs, participating in campaigns and actions targeting those disadvantaged groups who see how their basic rights are threatened and who also lack the resources to deal with the situation.